Arte by Ana Julia Benitez Camacho

Ana Julia Benitez

Desde el corazón, con el viento y el agua
Arte by Ana Julia Benitez Camacho

Ana Julia Benitez

Desde el corazón, con el viento y el agua

About me

Hi, my name is Ana Ju! But everyone calls me yuyi. I was born on May 27th, 2002 in Caracas. I was raised in Venezuela until I was fourteen and then we moved to Costa Rica due to Venezuela’s crisis. I live with my parents, my brother, my dogs Pecas and Pablo and my cat Papaya. In Venezuela, I studied my entire life in a school named C.E Valle Abierto, and now that I live in Costa Rica I graduated as an international baccalaureate student from Blue Valley School. Every day I really miss my country, friends and family, but moving to Costa Rica also led me to meeting amazing people and gave me opportunities that were not possible in my home land. I always struggle when I have to talk or write things about me so this is definitely a challenge. Some things that I like are: helping people, music, spending time with the people I love, for sure leading and having a great time with my friends. Of course, I also love art and creating. I still don’t know so much about myself, I don’t even know what I want to do with my life apart from being an artist. But, what I do know is that I want to be remembered as someone who always expressed themselves and never stopped creating and helping others. I do not intend to have a final form as a human or as an artist. I’m just here to enjoy the ride!




Oil Painting and Acrylic


Found Materials and Acrylic






Arte by Ana Julia Benitez Camacho

Let’s dive into expressionism

“Expressionism refers to art in which the image of reality is distorted in order to make it expressive of the artist’s inner feelings or ideas.” ( Characteristics Personal art form strives to convey personal feelings about the object painted, rather than merely record an observation of it. representational accuracy is sacrificed (distorted) in favor of strong outlines and bold colors to achieve maximum impact on the viewer Simpler and direct composition Impasto painting Free and…

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Arte by Ana Julia Benitez Camacho

Researching modern art

What is modern art? Modern art is the certain styles and philosophy of the art, it is extended from the 1860s to the 1970s and it includes hundreds of thousands of artistic artworks. This was a phase of experimenting with new techniques, theories and ideas by completely ignoring and changing the old ways of expressing yourself. This period had extreme changes in the tendencies of art. This was shaped because of the birth of photography,…

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Arte by Ana Julia Benitez Camacho

An immersion into 3d art!

“As old as art itself” What is 3D art?:  3D art includes sculptures, street painting, textiles, design objects, installations, murals, beading, computer graphics, and much more. It is a type of art that is not flat on paper. Yet, 3D art can also be works of art that create a perception of depth and its interaction with its audience. Examples of 3D art famous artists: Sculptures: Michelangelo, Auguste Rodin, Gian Lorenzo Bernini, Louise Bourgeois, Donatello,…

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